We also thought of the obvious and watched adverts whilst watching television and then found them on youtube and analysed them, evidence of this can be seen on the joint blog.
We also used the radio to gain ideas from exisiting radio advertisments on Radio One, and Leicester Sound.

To research uncopyrighted music we could use we found the website jamendo useful. We were able to download songs and add them to my ipod and asked the target audience what they then thought of a few tracks and how well it suited the genre of an advert.
We used a memory stick to transfer files from our mac to a normal computer so we could frequently update our blogs with images. We also used a digital camera to take photos of characters and settings which can be seen on the shared blog.
To enable us to produce a media product we used advanced technology such as Apple Mac computers, video cameras with a tripod and the program iMovie. IMovie allows us to upload footage from a tape and then edit and add effects to create a film. Computers mean we can easily edit and create an effect project. To upload footage to a mac we connected it to the camera with a firewire. iMovie aloud us to split clip at playhead so we could split the shot into two shots, extract audio, chnage the speed of clips, reverse clips, add text and other special effects.

The camera we used were called NG-VS 1220 panasonic. Although the camera’s aren’t in great condition they still did the job of allowing us to film many shots to then upload to iMovie. It caused difficultly when filming the male advert as the camera went dead so we then had to carry on filming the next day, but the lighting effects were totally different on the cameras so we had to scrap it and start all over.

Blogger is the website which we used to frequently update our blogs about our research and how how product was going. We could also see our peers blogs and give feedback to them. Websites such as scribd, slideshare, and word cloud allowed us to present our ideas in a unique style of presentation rather than just plain blogs. We had a joint blog and individual blog in which we could update to show any ideas or updates about our media project :)
Wordle aloud us to make images of words that could help with planning, we used this when thinking of names for our product, we put all of the ideas into one image and then uploaded it to our blog.
Slideshare was a really useful website in which it enabled us to do a powerpoint presentation and then upload it to be put on our blog, we used this programme quite alot during our media project for example our class pitch was put onto slideshare, as were our storyboards. All can be seen on the joint blog.
Scribd is a website that allowed us to upload word documents and put it into a professional script to it was easier to read on the blog, this was useful for our radio script so it was clear for the actors, we uploaded the radio script onto our blog using scribd.
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